How do I create a backup?

WP Squared allows you to backup your account and WordPress® site.


In the Backups tab, you can view, manage, and create backups for your WordPress site. You can also set up recurring backups for your websites.

Create a backup

To create a backup, click the Create Backup Now button. The Create Backup popup window will appear. Click Backup Now to start the backup. You will receive confirmation once the backup has completed.

Scheduling a backup

To schedule a backup, you must configure your backup settings and frequency. To enable backups, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Settings () icon.
  2. In the Backup Settings popup, toggle Backup to Enabled.
  3. Click the checkbox next to the days of the week that you would like to run a backup. You must select at least one day to enable scheduled backups.
  4. In the Number of backups to keep text box, enter the number of backups you wish to keep. The minimum number of backups to keep is three (3).
  5. Click Save Settings.

Restore a backups

You can restore any saved backup. We recommend you perform a backup before you restore another saved backup. To restore a backup, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Restore for the backup that you wish to restore.
  2. In the Restore Backup popup, you must check the box next to ‘I am aware that I am going to restore a previous backup. I will lose the current version of the website and its components for the version I have chosen.’ before you can continue.
  3. Click Restore Now. Your backup will be restored as the new version of your website. You will be notified when your restore is completed.

What items are part of a backup?

WP Squared utilized the WP Toolkit backup system. Backups are created as a tar.gz file. Backup files are stored in the /home/wp-backups/<USER> directory.

The following items part of a WP Squared backup:

  • files
    • index.php
    • license.txt
    • readme.html
    • wp-activate.php
    • wp-admin
    • wp-blog-header.php
    • wp-comments-post.php
    • wp-config.php
    • wp-config-sample.php
    • wp-content
    • wp-cron.php
    • wp-includes
    • wp-links-opml.php
    • wp-load.php
    • wp-login.php
    • wp-mail.php
    • wp-settings.php
    • wp-signup.php
    • wp-trackback.php
    • xmlrpc.php
  • meta.json
  • sqldump.sql